

By combining the strength of steel and the aesthetics of injection-molded resin, Magnus gives you the best of both worlds. Thanks to advanced engineering, superior materials and renowned durability, aboveground pools reach new heights with Magnus.

Durability never looked so good!

Injection-molded resin and super-sturdy steel are the key to this pool’s incredible endurance. Magnus’ high-impact resin is extremely resilient and 100% non-corrosive, so it will not chip or dicolor. In addition, steel provides unparalleled strength and durability. With this advanced technology, Magnus is sure to stand the test of time...and to keep looking great!

Magnus pool beauty shot

Ellipse wall

Wall height 54"

It is protected by a resin-based paint called Resin Shield, which provides an extra layer of resistance against corrosion.

Yard Extender System

Our oval pools come with the Y.E.S, a series of practically invisible lateral supports that you place in the ground. It is a must for anyone who wants to make the most of their yard and their pool!

Magnus Pool wall detail Magnus Pool yard extender system