How to Prepare Your Swimming Pool for Severe Weather - Freezing Conditions

Freezing conditions can cause damage to your swimming pool’s equipment and plumbing if not properly prepared for. When water freezes and expands in pipes, they can burst – destroying both your pipes, equipment and decking. If freezing temperatures are in the forecast, plan to fully winterize your pool plumbing and equipment or keep your pump running so the water is constantly moving, helping to prevent it from freezing.


You should always lower the water level of your pool before a deep freeze. If your pool is still frozen, do not attempt to lower the water level until the ice and snow melts. This may cause damage to your pool cover or liner.

It is always best to consult with your pool professional as to whether or not your pool should be covered for the winter. In warmer climates, keep the pool pump running as you normally would. For more detailed information on how to protect your pool from freeze damage, click here.
